

with passion

““I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success… such emotions make a man forget about food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”

Nikola Tesla

Financing the seed phase

We support Your innovative idea by evaluating its potential and financing the research and development, all the way until commercialisation.

Technology transfer

Through diffusion of technological innovations, fusing science with business practice, we support the development of Your project and the competitiveness of Your company.

Obtaining financing

We are experts in choosing appropriate tools and sources of financing, which can be a key contribution to Your project’s success.


Find out more!

The uniqueness of the Green Ventures team entails the fusion of knowledge and experience with passion. Innovative projects are processed by specialists in economy, law, finances, venture capital and technology commercialisation, with expert support from acclaimed researchers from leading scientific facilities. No project stage is left to chance, because their success depends on the professional preparation of each executions stage. We are driven by challenges in advanced technologies, for which we can create uncommon solution, with the sole evaluation of our work is its effectiveness.


Innovative projects require a special work environment and organisation. Only in an atmosphere of thinking outside the box, seeking creative solutions and the readiness to take risks, can the best ideas be born. Hence, the flexibility and creativity of the Green Ventures team is only limited by physics and the law.


We seek out the best modes of financing, co-financing and subsidising of innovative projects for companies, business environment enterprises as well as research and development organisations. We have long years of experience in obtaining resources as part of schemes provided by the European Commission, the Polish National Research and Development Centre and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. We specialise in picking the best sources and tools of financing, which guarantees best project execution and enables the achievement of success.


Green Ventures offers a system of comprehensive support system for SME customers. We provide both financing as well as co-financing („smart money”) of innovative projects in the seeding phase, as well as professional support of their execution – from the idea, to series production. We know that the use of potential of the SME sector in Poland is the key to a competitive position of the national economy in the world. By supporting Your idea, we open the door of innovation wider.


Investment team

Marcin Haremza

technology transfer
An expert in technology transfer and evaluation, market analyses, evaluation and execution of research and development as well as implementation projects, and a specialist in terms of company innovation improvement and the coordination of cooperation between industry and R&D organisations domestically and abroad; Senior Specialist at the Wrocław Technology Transfer Centre of the Wrocław University of Technology, he fuses his long years of professional experience with the passion of climbing mountains.  

Ken Nawrot

General manager of one of Poland’s largest automotive industry companies in Europe; an investor cooperating with many entities in the domestic and international market; as an experienced businessman, he has no fear of engagement in innovative projects, eagerly sharing his experience, knowledge and business contacts; his passion was always the car industry – he comes from a Belgian car dealer family.

Łukasz Konarski

Electronics designer and visionary; he completed his doctoral studies in the field of computer science at the Wrocław University of Technology; winner of the competition for innovative companies based scientific paper results, awarded the symbol ‘Polish Market Hopefuls 2006’ by the Polish minister of the economy; author of many innovative projects and designer of dozens of device prototypes for the medical, automotive, farming and mining industries, some of which reached mass production. His passion is fusing science with practice.

Scientific board

ProfTit. DSc BEng. Jerzy Bieniek

agriculture and agricultural technology Wrocław University of Natural Sciences
Employee of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of the Nature and Technology Faculty; an expert in the design of farming machinery and the optimisation of their work; inventor cooperating with the industry during the execution of innovative implementation projects.  

ProfTit. DSc Henryk Bujak

food industry, genetics Wrocław University of Natural Sciences
Head of the Department of Genetics, Cultivation of Plants and Seed Propagation of the Nature and Technology Faculty; an expert in genetics and plant cultivation; member of domestic and international expert groups; leader of research and development projects and specialist cooperating with the seed cultivation industry.  

ProfTit. DSc BEng. Piotr Dudziński

robotics, special-issue vehicles Wrocław University of Technology
Head of the Department of Engineering of Working Machines and Industrial Vehicles of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; expert in the design of innovative machines and special vehicles used among others in mining, farming and the construction industry; member of international working groups and expert panels.  

ProfTit. DSc BEng. Andrzej Jarmoluk

agriculture, food industry Wrocław University of Natural Sciences
Head of the Department of Animal Raw Resource Technology and Quality Management of the Food Industry Science Faculty; expert and leader of research teams mainly in the area of functional foods, specialist in the area of design of new products and solutions for the food industry.  

DSc Piotr Jędrzejewski

design, industrial design Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław
Head of the Department of Industrial Design of the Interior Design and Art Design Faculty; expert in the area of industrial design; author of many acclaimed works and designs implemented by companies in Poland and abroad.  

DSc Arkadiusz Wierzbic

project management, quality control systems Wrocław University of Economics
Employee of the Department of Design of Management Systems of the Faculty of Management, Computer Science and Finances, expert in quality management systems; cooperates with a renowned audit company; specialist in management and optimisation of corporate processes especially in their early development stage.  

DSc BEng. Antoni Szumny

food industry, chemistry Wrocław University of Natural Sciences
Head of the Department of Chemistry of the Food Industry Science Faculty; expert in the area of chemistry and chemistry of natural products in industrial applications; member of expert groups and leader of international research and development projects.  

PhD BEng. Bogusław Białko

renewable energies Wrocław University of Technology
Employee of the Thermal Heat Technology and Fluic Mechanics Institute of the Faculty of Mechanics and Energy; expert in renewable energies and innovative solutions utilising broadly understood „green technologies”.  

PhD Maciej Włodarczyk

Medicinal plants, functional foods Wrocław Medical University
Head of the Department and Institute of Pharmacognosy of the Faculty of Pharmacy with a Medical Analysis Department; expert in natural healing ingredients in plants; member of research teams executing innovative research and development as well as implementation projects both in Poland as well as abroad.  


Financing the seed phase

Our experts are able to evaluate the commercial potential of each idea and obtain relevant sources for its financing. At each stage of execution, the project is supervised practically by our specialists. We also handle obtaining resources for the development and marketing of company products in the start-up phase.  

Technology transfer

Through diffusion of technological innovations, fusing science with business practice, we support the development of Your project and the competitiveness of Your company.
The Green Ventures team utilises the long years of experience of its experts in the area of technology transfer and evaluation, market analyses, evaluation and execution of both research and development projects as well as implementation projects; we also specialise in the coordination of cooperation of the industry with research bodies.  

Obtaining financing

We are experts in choosing appropriate tools and sources of financing, which can be a key contribution to Your project’s success.  
We have experience in obtaining financing for innovative projects in the area of advanced technologies. We offer our services to enterprises, business environment institutions as well as research and development organisations. We specialise in schemes executed by the European Commission, the Polish National Research and Development Centre and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.  

What we invest in?

Smart farming

Social & Industrial robotics


E-textiles & Smart clothing

Energy harvesting

How we operate?

During the execution of our innovative projects, we cooperate with scientific experts from diverse branches from renowned higher education facilities of Wrocław, Poland. Our investment team, beside theoretical knowledge, also has rich practical experience related to cooperation with the industry, execution of research and development projects and the implementation of their results in the domestic and international market. Their knowledge and experience permit the execution of professional evaluation of projects and their further supervision in order to achieve the set goals.
We ensure our companies comprehensive services at every stage of economic activity. We maintain close cooperation with:
  • a legal office, an accountant office, a patent clerk, an auditor.
  • an accountant office,
  • a patent clerk,
  • an auditor.
We have great possibilities of obtaining project second round financing by investment in venture capital funds and the angels of business.

Who we are looking for?

A dynamic team

Pracowników naukowych wyższych uczelni i jednostek badawczych, a także przedsiębiorców, wynalazców oraz innowatorów pragnących zrealizować swoje pomysły i poszukujących finansowania nowych lub już realizowanych projektów biznesowych.

Innovative products or services

Oryginalnych i wizjonerskich produktów lub usług w obszarze nowych technologii, które niosą ze sobą potencjał komercjalizacji, charakteryzują się innowacyjnością oraz mogą stanowić efektywne rozwiązania branżowe.

Synergies with portfolio companies

W naszej działalności wykorzystujemy system integracji i wspierania wielu spółek portfelowych, które w dziedzinie zaawansowanych technologii działają w obszarach precyzyjnego rolnictwa, robotyki, telemedycyny, inteligentnych tekstyliów oraz pozyskiwania energii.


Alpha Fund operates on the basis of the BRIdge Alpha program under Measure 1.3.1 of the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project „Green Alpha – green technology gas pedal” is implemented by the special purpose vehicle Green Alpha Ltd. The budget of the project is PLN 50,000,000.00. The amount of NCRD funding for the project is PLN 40,000,000.00. The project is implemented in the period from April 1, 2018 to December 31, 2023.

Our partners

Our ivestments



A company creating intelligent underwear to counter male infertility through the reduction of the temperature of male testicles. Supports in the treatment of oligospermia, aspermia, asthenospermia, azoospermia, necrospermia, normospermia, teratospermia.



An innovative computer system created for modern agriculture. Permits the most effective management of an agricultural farm with full cost control, management of employees, machines and equipment.



General Robotics
The company creates intelligent, advanced robots that not only simplify work, but also permit the execution of complicated or dangerous tasks. Get to know our innovative friend EuGenius.
A company specialising in the development and construction of health kiosks, meaning, devices meant for initial blood pressure, pulse, saturation, spirometry and eye tests. Telemedical devices permit immediate transfer of test results to doctors for consultation. The kiosks were created for countries, where access to medical care is limited.
Your startup
Contact us with Your innovative idea, and you can count on a professional project evaluation, comprehensive services at each stage of execution, finding the right financing source, and in the end – a commercial success.
An innovative robot created to lead farming into a new technological dimension. The Agribot, controlled by an operator panel via an Internet browser, executes all work in an orchard and plantation.

Become an investor


Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 27, 2019 on the disclosure of information related to sustainability in the financial services sector („SFDR”) establishes harmonized rules for Alternative Investment Company Managers regarding transparency with regard to the introduction of sustainability risks into their activities and the consideration of adverse sustainability effects in their operations, as well as with regard to their presentation of sustainability-related information on financial products. Under the SFRD, an obligation has been imposed on Alternative Investment Company Managers to report on the manner in which they have a sustainable investment policy or fail to implement such a policy. ESG policies(E – environment, S – community, G – corporate governance) address an integrated approach to investment, taking into account environmental, social and good governance practices. From ASI’s investment perspective, ESG considers, among other factors, such as:
  • 1. sustainability,
  • 2. investment risk,
  • 3. values for investors,
  • 4. reputation and legitimacy to invest.
In summary, according to the so-called Green Deal, the implementation of ESG policies in Alternative Investment Companies is expected to contribute to sustainable development, minimize investment risks, and serve to attract investors and build a positive reputation.


According to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph 22 of the SFDR, sustainability risk means a situation or environmental, social or management-related conditions that, if they occur, could have, actual or potential, a material adverse effect on the value of an investment. ZASI declares that it has not drawn up strategies at the level of its organization defining a methodology for taking into account environmental, social or management-related conditions that, if they occur, could have, actual or potential, a material adverse effect on the value of the investment. ZASI declares that, it has not adopted strategies to take into account risks for sustainable development, as part of its activities (management of ASI), and therefore – in its current activities, these risks are not taken into account. In conclusion, in view of the above, ZASI does not include sustainability risks in the compensation structure of those responsible for ZASI’s operations, including not having a policy to reduce incentives for excessive investment risk in terms of including sustainability risks. ZASI does not rule out introducing strategies to address sustainability risks in the future.


According to the SFDR, major adverse effects on sustainable development should be understood as – those effects of investment decisions that adversely affect sustainability factors. i.e. environmental, social and labor issues, human rights issues, and anti-corruption and anti-bribery issues, and to which Article 4 and Article 7 of the SFDR refer. ZASI declares that when making investment decisions, no consideration is given to their adverse effects on sustainability factors, due to the specific nature of investment activities and the nature of deposits, and the limited availability of sustainability indicators. How and to what extent we consider the issue of major adverse impacts on sustainability factors may change over time, and consequently this statement may change. In particular, our assessment is that over time there will be an increase in the coverage of data that is necessary to take into account major adverse impacts on sustainability factors in the investment decision-making process. As the regulation and practice of sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services industry develops, industry standards for considering the adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors are developed, and as the availability of sustainability data from potential investee companies increases, ZASI may include analysis of the adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability in its strategy. ZASI’S ASI-MANAGED INVESTMENTS DO NOT PROMOTE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTS OR MAKE SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENTS. ZASI-MANAGED INVESTMENTS DO NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT EU CRITERIA FOR ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. In accordance with the disposition of Article 12 of the SFDR, ZASI shall ensure that any information published in accordance with Articles 3, 5 or 10 of the SFDR is kept up to date, and accordingly, ZASI shall periodically review the need for such updates. In the event that a financial market participant changes such information, it shall publish an understandable explanation of such change on the same website, which ZASI also implements.


  Green Ventures is open to proposals to establish cooperation with institutional investors who are interested in supporting the further development of innovative enterprises (second round of financing). We encourage you to contact us:


Green Alpha sp. z o.o.

ul. Wagonowa 38b/32

53-659 Wrocław

tel. 605 889 177

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